The user of the website undertakes to read the general terms and conditions carefully before using the portals and Web services offered by the institution. This implies that you expressly accept the general terms and conditions. If you do not accept them, you are asked not to use, access, or manipulate the information of the services offered by the website, since you (user) are making inappropriate use of it.
The purpose of the website is the promotion and dissemination of information and web services. It is intended for the general public.
For suggestions and / or comments on the terms and conditions of use of our website, you can notify us at Av. Jose Pardo 575, office 201, Miraflores, Lima-Peru.
All the intellectual property rights of the website are owned by SMILES PERU SAC. The use of any intellectual property right without the prior, express and written consent of the former is prohibited.
This site is protected by current regulations on copyright. All the rights involved, such as their content and their visual design, are owned by SMILES PERU SAC, so their use, modification, reproduction, distribution, transmission or commercialization of the rights involved without permission is strictly prohibited. prior, express and in writing from SMILES PERU SAC, except in cases of appointment rights, employment for educational purposes and other recognized honorable uses.
All distinctive signs (product and service brands, commercial slogans and trade names) and patents registered in accordance with national and supranational legislation are the property of SMILES PERU SAC, unless otherwise indicated.’
The use of any element of intellectual property of SMILES PERU SAC without the relevant prior written consent is prohibited.
The Web sites and references are available for the user under her responsibility to use them properly without taking advantage of any failure that occurs and taking advantage of it. If you find any fault on our website, report it to INFO@SMILESPERU.COM
Changes and updates in the terms and conditions of use will be communicated on our website in a timely manner so that all users are informed of the current terms and conditions of use. It is under the responsibility of the user to find out about the new changes and restrict herself to comply with the regulations of the website.
The information on institutional events will be public for all users on the website, while the links that request user registration will be restricted for any user who is not authenticated, the latter will be responsible for the proper use or not of the management of information. In case of breach, the webmaster will deactivate his user account and receive a warning.
The use of the name, logos, trademarks, designs or any distinctive sign of authorship of Smiles Peru SAC as hypertext links or hyperlinks to pages not controlled by Smiles Peru SAC, without prior and express authorization from Smiles Peru SAC.
It is also prohibited to include internal links or pages on sites and portals not controlled by Smiles Peru SAC, thus avoiding not visiting the main page. The deployment, exhibition or reproduction of the Site or of any of its subdirectories or secondary pages, on sites or portals not controlled by Smiles Peru SAC, is also prohibited, only if the Web Development area has the relevance to promote Smiles Peru SAC on the networks social and other Web 2.0 technologies, meanwhile it is forbidden for outsiders to use the name of Smiles Peru SAC to register for any Web 2.0 technology.
The user agrees to use diligently and lawfully the informative content and newsletters of Smiles Peru SAC only for informational purposes and without reproducing, copying or distributing non-public information from other links that do not include references to the Smiles portal Peru SAC.
Smiles Peru SAC reserves the right to modify the content and scope of these Terms and Conditions at any time and as it deems necessary. The User will be obliged to be subject to said modifications, once they come into force.
SMILES PERU SAC makes every effort to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information on this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on some occasions you may incur errors or omissions. In such hypotheses, SMILES PERU SAC will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damage arising from the use of the information contained in this site or the Web pages recommended here.
All information that is published on this website, which includes, but is not limited to, graphics, texts and references to other pages, is provided “as is” and is subject to possible modifications without prior notice. The information referred to is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to a business guarantee and the like or to be free from all computer viruses.
SMILES PERU SAC does not guarantee, in any case, the sufficiency, accuracy and integrity of the information contained in this site or in the recommended Web pages, so it will not assume any kind of responsibility for errors or omissions in which it may incur . Visitors are entirely responsible for verifying and evaluating the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any information that is available from this website.
SMILES PERU SAC does not guarantee a free and interrupted service of this page, but it does declare its willingness to make the efforts that, within reason, allow it to be available for as long as possible.