What if I Lack Adequate Bone for Dental Implants?
Patients may lack bone in the upper or lower jawbone due to a combination of factors: natural bone loss with ageing, periodontal disease, accident, or prolonged denture wear and missing teeth resulting in bone atrophy. Bone graft / regeneration is the process of building up existing bone to create a sufficient foundation for dental implant placement. The bone added is powder or block form. Sinus lifts have also allowed many patients to have successful dental implant treatments by grafting additional bone near the sinus or by lifting the sinus membrane. The ultimate success of a dental implant largely depends on the quality and quantity of bone in which it is placed. Dental bone grafts can be placed prior to surgery to allow more time for healing or during the implant procedure. Bone grafts will be covered by a membrane to allow for healing and additional bone growth.