Our Staff

Smiles Peru’s interdisciplinary Staff of english-speaking Dentists

Smiles Peru Staff de Odontólogos en Lima
English speaking dentist Lima, Peru
Clinical Director

Dr. Pflucker is a top aesthetic and restorative English speaking dentist in Lima, Peru. Dr. Pflucker’s experience in various dental fields enables her to be the lead planner for Smiles Peru’s complex oral rehabilitation cases.  Dr. Pflucker studied advanced cosmetic dentistry in Barcelona and practiced cosmetic dentistry in prestigious dental clinics in Barcelona and Bilbao. She graduated from the Universidad Cientifica del Sur in Lima, Peru with a Specialization in Radiology. Dr. Pflucker is a specialist in partial and complete dental implant rehabilitation. Dr. Pflucker is certified in Peru in Invisalign and has studied digital dentistry and CEREC CAD-CAM in the United States and Peru.  She has a diploma en Orthodontics and Orthopedia from San Martin University in Lima, Peru.  She is dedicated to bringing the newest technologies and techniques to our Lima dental clinic.  She has taught courses at ILAE (Instituto Latinamericano de Altos Estudios en Estomatologia) in Lima, Peru.

Dr. Pflucker is a recommended English speaking dentist by The American and Canadian Association of Peru (ACAP). Dr Pflucker is an active member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Denstitry, USA, as well as the Peruvian Association of Restorative Odontology and Biomaterials. Dr. Pflucker is the recommended dentist of the JW Marriott and Miraflores Park Plaza hotels, where she is part of the staff of medical professionals.

implant surgeon smiles peru lima

Maxillofacial Surgeon and Dental Implant Specialist

Dr. Lucio is a highly recognized oral surgeon and implantologist in Peru. He is a specialist in maxillo-facial surgery, dental implants, orthognathic surgery, and jaw and mouth reconstruction. He is the former director of the dental clinic and ex-director of the Implants and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department of the Hospital Militar Central del Perú.

Dr. Lucio is currently a professor and director of postgraduate and doctorate students in dental implants and  dental implant rehabilitation of two of the most important universities of our country: the Universidad San Martín de Porres and Científica del Sur.  Dr. Lucio has been Smiles Peru’s primary surgeon since 2009.


Deputy Director

Dr. Manola is Smiles Peru’s Clinical Director, overseeing treatment plans from beginning to end.  She graduated from the Odontology Department of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in 2002.  She later obtained a Diploma in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry at the Universidad Científica del Sur in 2004. 

Dr. Manola also has a Masters in Odontology from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and a Diploma in Diagnostic Imaging from the Instituto Latino Americano de Altos Estudios en Estomatología (ILAE). She has been a key part of the Smiles Peru Professional Staff since 2014, with a vocation for the diagnosis, treatment planning oral health maintenance of our patients.


Oral Rehabilitation Specialist

Dr. Mercedes is a specialist in oral rehabilitation.  She graduated from the Faculty of Odontology of the Catholic University Santa Maria in 2001.  She received a diploma in Oral Rehabilitation in 2003 and later completed the specialist program for Oral Rehabilitation at the Autonomous University of Mexico from 2009 to 2011.  She also has completed the Specialty of Integral Oral Implantology at the Inca Garcilazo de la Vega University in 2018.

Dr. Mercedes’ main areas of ​​interest are Oral Rehabilitation, Aesthetics, Implant Prosthesis, Implant Placement, and Guided Oral Regeneration.  She has also received CAD/CAM design and management courses. She has formed an integral part of the Professional Staff of Smiles Peru since 2015, with a vocation for the diagnosis, treatment plan and maintenance of the oral health of the adult patient.

English speaking dentist smiles peru

Oral Rehabilitation Specialist

Dr. López is an English speaking dentist who studied odontology at the prestigious Universidad de San Martín de Porres.  Dr. López has completed courses in oral rehabilitation, dental aesthetics, and dental whitening techniques in the Odontology College of Lima and the Odontology College of Peru.  Dr. López is certified in dental aesthetics by the Odontology College of Peru.

Dr. López is a graduate and titled Prosthodontics specialist from Científica del Sur University in Lima.  Dr. López is also a recognized practitioner of CAD/CAM digital dentistry, performing anterior, posterior and implant restorations with the CEREC digital system.  She has been part of the Smiles Peru staff since 2013.

Dra Mirella Endoncista y Periodoncista Smiles Peru

Periodontist and Endodontist

Dr. Mirella graduated in 2003 from the Odontology College of Santa Maria Catholic University.  She has completed advanced studies in Endodontics at the Odontology College of San Pablo Catholic University in Arequipa and specialization coursework in Periodontics and Implants at Southern Scientific University (Universidad Científica del Sur).  She has a Master’s degree from Santa Maria University in Occupational Health.  She has been part of the staff of professionals at Smiles Peru since 2016.

Dra Nilbeth Smiles Peru cosmetic dentist

Cosmetic and General Dentist

Dr. Nilbeth graduated from Santa Maria University in Caracas, Venezuela, in 2002, with a diploma in adult integral dentistry.  She has a diverse skill set – having practiced general dentistry for over 15 years, while completing courses in Smile Design, obtaining a surgical diploma from the University of Carabobo in 2009, and finally completing a Master’s in Dental Implants at Santa María University 2013.  She has formed part of the staff at Smiles Peru since 2018 and is focused on providing the best care and treatment alternatives for adult patients.


Torsten Jens Rohm  is a Germany citizen and resident in Peru. He is a Business Manager at Smiles Peru and is available to assist Smiles Peru’s foreign and English-speaking clientele.

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