
How can I avoid Periimplantitis?

Dental implant placement is a simple and fast procedure, but without proper care complications such as mucositis and periimplantitis and other peri-implant diseases may arise.

What is Periimplantitis?

Periimplantitis is one of the most common complications in patients who undergo dental implant placement treatment, known as peri-implant diseases. Periimplantitis consists of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the dental implants.  Some studies indicate that about 20% of patients may suffer from peri-implantitis.  Periimplantitis can mean the loss of the implant, although most of the time it can be avoided by visiting the dental implant specialist when symptoms develop.  Many patients with implants confuse peri-implant mucositis and periimplantitis. Mucositis only affects the soft tissues surrounding the implant, and can trigger a peririmplantitis that, in addition to affecting the soft tissue, affects the bone.

Symptoms of  Periimplantitis:

Symptoms of periimplantitis include:
• Bleeding and increased depth in the probing
• Tartar and bacterial plaque around the implant
• Redness of mucous tissue surrounding the implant
• Pain to percussion
• Discomfort, pain or swelling
• Loss of bone
• Mobility of the implant
peri-implantitis Smiles Peru dental implants

How to prevent Periimplantitis?

Most recommendations for the prevention of periimplantitis are very easy to follow, and coincide with the necessary care for dental implants.
• Take maximum care of your dental hygiene: the main causes of periimplantitis are bacteria and tartar that accumulate around the implant. Regular cleanings, brushing correctly and using mouthwash can be your main allies to avoid the periimplantitis.
• Avoid tobacco: several studies indicate that smokers have an increased risk of developing peri-implantitis, as well as all types of diseases and oral problems. Tobacco is the biggest enemy of a healthy mouth and gums, both in terms of natural teeth and dental implants.
• Choose a professional, licensed  implantologist specialist:  the correct placement of the implant depends on the greater or lesser risk of periimplantitis. If the bone that supports the implant does not meet the conditions necessary for an adequate osseointegration, the risk of periiimplantitis increases. Good dental implant placement technique is essential to avoid complications.

Treatments for Periimplantitis

Currently there are many ways to deal with periimplantitis, such as with curettes, lasers, ultrasounds, and surgical intervention.  A subgingival debridement or scraping in which the tissue is separated to eliminate inflammation can help restore tissues effected by periimplantits.  This treatment can be combined with antibiotics. Removal of bacteria and plaque adhering to the implant can combat the cause of peri-implantitis and reduce inflammation. Regenerative bone treatment is another technique that may be applied to treat this periodontal condition.  Lastly, periodic reviews are very important, since they will allow your implantologist to check the status of dental implants, track osseointegration and notice problems early.
March 8, 2019 Blog, Dental Implants
About Smiles Peru

Smiles Peru is a leading full service dentist located in the Lima’s Miraflores District specializing in complex dental implants cases, including the all-on-four and all-on-six dental implant techniques.