
James – Smiles Peru Testimonial – Full Mouth Implants

In the past, common removable dentures were the only option available for people with missing teeth. Systems such as the All on Four and All on Six full mouth dental implants are solutions to maximize the use of available bone and provide patients with a strong and stable bite with teeth that do not need to be removed at night or for cleaning. Full mouth implants are a life changing experience. Please visit our webpage for more information on full mouth experience.

December 27, 2023 All on 4/6/8, Blog, Dental Implants, Dental Tourism, Oral Surgery, Testimonial, Video
About Smiles Peru

Smiles Peru is a leading full service dentist located in the Lima’s Miraflores District specializing in complex dental implants cases, including the all-on-four and all-on-six dental implant techniques.