Computerized Anesthesia System virtually eliminates injection pain
Experience Painless Dental Injections with the Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA) System!
The Single Tooth Anesthesia computer-controlled local anesthesia delivery system does not look or feel like a needle and syringe. Computerized anesthesia allows for an even-flow delivery of anesthetic in a very comfortable manner, eliminating the painful feeling from a surge of liquid into a confined tissue area. Furthermore, certain injections made possible with the STA system minimize unnecessary numbness of the tongue, cheek, and face.
The STA handpiece (known as “The Wand”) provides painless injections for all routine dental treatment including root canals, crowns, fillings, and cleanings.
Key Benefits:
- Higher Patient Comfort
- Reduced Patient Anxiety
- Faster numbing onset and sensation recovery
Ask about computerized anesthesia during your next visit!