On-Site Dental Laboratory

Smiles Peru’s On-Site Dental Laboratory 

The importance of an on-site Dental
Laboratory in Dentistry

Smiles Peru is committed to providing its patients the highest quality dental treatments using cutting-edge technology and efficient processes.  To that end, we have incorporated a dental laboratory formed by a team of dental technicians specialized in the different areas of dental prostheses, empowered with the latest equipment.

When one travels for dental treatments, available time is limited to complete treatment. Using our internal dental laboratory, all processes are performed and completed here in our facility and are supervised directly from the treating specialist. Furthermore, an internal laboratory enables us to make adjustments immediately. In this way, the patient can travel home feeling 100% at ease with his or her new teeth.

Why is an on-site Dental Laboratory important?

Many dental treatments require with technical work performed in a dental laboratory.  Having the laboratory equipment on-site and accessible to the dental physicians is of the utmost importance to perform treatments efficiently and on-time. An internal laboratory also faciliates dentist – dental technician communication, thus helping ensure patient expectations are met.

A quality Dental Laboratory

Because we are passionate about dentistry, Smiles Peru works with the best equipment and last generation materials, allowing us to position ourselves as a clinic at the forefront providing prosthetic dental treatments such as: integral restorations, implant prostheses and prostheses with CAD/CAM.

CEREC CAD / CAM Digital Dentistry

In addition to having a complete on-site dental laboratory, Smiles Peru has the CEREC CAD / CAM System for the design and manufacture of restorations assisted by a computer, which allows the development of dental restorations such as veneers, crowns, dental bridges and rehabilitation of single unit dental implants in one session. CEREC works with a 3D printer that designs and mills restorations with high aesthetics and precision, giving patients immediate results.

Smiles Peru Dental Laboratory

Smiles Peru Dental Laboratory 2

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